Monday, January 25, 2010

You may notice the Pokerstars ad to the right of this post....

Well, this week, I'm going to compete in two tournaments as part of the World Blogger Championship of Online Poker. Maybe 3.

It's completely free to enter if you are a blogger (as I am), even if my blogs don't currently have much poker content (which they don't.)

As many of you know, I've been trying to play more and more poker over the last few months. I really enjoy the competition and the mental games that go along with it. The problems that I am having with poker, currently, are twofold:
1) Time. Most days, I may have an hour to really get engaged, and spend time with it. For me, right now, to be successful, I have to get in to the zone (HELLO BRITNEY SPEARS!) I have to stay focused, and be constantly mindful of myself and my opponents. When you're needing to set aside 5-6 hours to play in a huge tournament, that's not good. So I've been trying to play one table tournaments when I can, which last about an hour.
2) Money. I don't have much of it. As a result, when I actually do get to play, I tend to be playing against people to whom a dollar entry fee is nothing. To me, with the rules I set up for myself that mean I can't risk more than 1/20th of my bankroll in any given week, that's a lot. I'm trying to do things the right way, so that I learn, while also keeping my money above board. I made a promise that I wouldn't add any money to my account after my initial 30 dollar entry that I did on a whim 4 years ago. Of course, now it's illegal to deposit anything. And I've only really been playing for about 9 months or so.

So we'll see what happens. I'm going to play in one tournament today at 4PM, and another on Wednesday at 4PM. And then *maybe* in the Final World Championship event on Sunday. The prizes are entries in to some very big tournaments, not cash. But we'll see what happens. I think playing against some good to great players will be a good experience for me, and make me think in a different way about the way I play. I'll keep you updated on my progress this afternoon.


Holly said...

I think Britney will totally Google her name today and stumble across your blog. Mark my words.

Dr. Cappa said...

Hope the tournaments go well.