Alright, we're through Wednesday in Melbourne. Highlights of the day include a not so great Aquarium, attending the Queen Victoria Markets, which were closed, watching a 1-2 hour wait at the Melbourne Museum, winning $55 at the Crown Casino, and eating both a GF cheese burger, and a GF pizza.
Now indulge me on some of the things I've learned, both about myself, and culturally about Australia. Again, some of these are merely about myself, and they are what they are.
1) I travel better alone. I can certainly get better at this, but when I'm in a city, I do very well when flying solo. I am under no restrictions to anyone, and I can just do my thing. Sorry.
2) Australia has a ridiculous amount of gluten free options. It is unbelievable how much more aware of things they are. I mean, a cheeseburger and a pizza, at different restaurants, on the same day?!?
3) I am good enough to play poker at a casino. Having played and watched at two different places today, I certainly have the ability to play well enough to do OK. There's always luck, and sometimes you get outplayed, but yeah, I've got enough talent now, for sure.
4) It is expensive here. Seriously flipping expensive.
5) I've been through several days here, and still can't remember to look the correct way when crossing the street. It is a good thing I'm not driving.
6) What the hell is going on in cricket. Seriously, I mean, I think I get the very, very basics, but come on.
7) On a similar note. Rugby? Yeah, again, I get it, but I don't.
8) On the other hand, I absolutely love Australian Rules Football. I look forward to going to a game on Saturday.
9) People appear to be much more friendly in Australia than they do in the US
10) I have made fun of the people in US casinos, because they sit on their stools, mindlessly, and chubbily. Which probably isn't a word. It is the exact same in Australian Casinos, except more of them are Asians.
11) Another big difference is the lack of "themed" slot machines, like the Star Wars and Star Trek
12) Another big difference is the huge amount of Baccarat tables. Good lord.
13) I have seriously watched cricket for the last 90 minutes. I have NO clue what's happening.
14) I have gotten more tired as the week has gone on. I've made it to 9PM tonight, but I'm completely spent, and longing for my bed.
I think that's all for now. Feel free to email with any questions, or leave your comments here.