Saturday, November 13, 2010

Trying to catch up...

It's been a really busy few weeks. I can always tell based on the amount of days I'm able to spend playing poker. So far, it is 13 days in to the month of November, and I've played 5 sessions. That's not great. SO yeah, busy.

The biggest news is that Julia's grandmother passed away earlier this week. Thanks to my mom, Julia was able to get out there in time to say goodbye, and I'm very thankful that she was. Julia has handled it like a trooper, but I just feel bad, as I've had a ridiculously busy week, and was not able to travel, nor have I really had a chance to be as supportive as I probably should be.

We're scheduled to go to New York on Wednesday, and I'm so incredibly excited. I can't wait to get to go through Madison Square Garden, and just go nuts. To me, that will be just about as good as it gets.

I may also be announcing a baseball game at Busch Stadium in March. That is developing, but man, that would be awesome.

Basketball has gone well so far...things might be different once we get to Yale, though.

OK, that's all for now. I've been at the football game for 2 hours today, and have pounded out about 10 emails, and 10 thank you notes, for my birthday. In September.

I did want to just post this video. obviously, with Julia's loss this week, my mood has been a little bit more reserved as well, and I've been listening to the Garden State soundtrack. I really think that this song might be in my top 5 of all time, just because anyone who has experienced loss of someone very close can empathize and feel this song.It's about a breakup, but I think the feelings fit for many different situations.
I do, however, apologize that it is set to a video of Jack and Juliet (Jacket) from Lost.

1 comment:

Teach said...

Sorry to hear about Julia's grandmother. I hope things can be as good as possible for you guys both.

I've been meaning to say thanks for the random books/coloring books for Macy. They have been a pleasant surprise for her on the doorstep.