Monday, December 15, 2008

OK, here's something that bothered me today:

Something that bothered me today at the gym, conversation by two nearly naked dudes:

A: Hey
B: Hey
A: How are you doing?
B: I'm freezing my BUTT off!
A: I know, can you believe it?

YES YOU CAN BELIEVE IT. Know why, dumbass? Because that's what happens in Central Illinois. It gets freaking cold from time to time. So yes, sir, I can indeed believe it, because it happens every freaking year. EVERY. FREAKING. YEAR.

I then laughed at him, which caused both of them to stop the conversation and look at me. I ran off.

Also, as a follow-up to yesterday's post, Julia reminded me that she will not ever be done with her projects. Ever.

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