Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm going to go all Glenn on you...

and post something to make you think.

Here's a link about the possibility of demolishing portions of cities, and contracting.


Dr. X-Tina said...

Having grown-up only a few miles from Flint, I think it is the best option for them. It was a ghost town when I was a kid and they tried to revamp it, but nothing really took. In just the few times I've through Flint when I've gone home, I can tell you its bad, really bad, and I didn't even go in the worst parts.

RomanX said...

In general I think this is something that seriously needs to be looked at. The upkeep cost for these abandoned sections of cities is immense.

Doing away with some of the urban sprawl does have a lot of side benefits. You could put some windmills and or solar farms on the recently abandoned land, or just plant trees.