Monday, March 9, 2009

Some photos, and other stuff...

Here are some recent (or not so recent) photos. Feel free to leave comments:

This is the final ceremony from the grilling of the meats. There were 20 meats eaten.
They are listed here:

This is a nice photo of my perspective from my seat at the Assembly Hall. Here, we're looking at warm ups before Michigan State. Note the various acoutrements.

Here is proof that Mike Tisdale (tizzy) can dunk. In a game, this would be a technical foul.

Other than that, I have no announcing to do this week. I do not know what to do with myself. Other than workout. And hang with Julia. And go to Leigh's this weekend. I'm willing to take any other suggestions please. Thank you!

1 comment:

Dr. Cappa said...

I think you should work on producing more mucous and then naming your spit-wads.